...The Founding Concept in Electing the President was Not Grounded in Political Party's
Just think, if the Original Concept for Electing the President was still in use, thus in effect today, the over Office of the Executive would be much different today.
To understand the cause and effect of why the original concept was put in place, and why we have the "Electoral College of Delegates", one has to better understand the process that was in place between 1789 and 1828 prior to the political parties themselves gaining to much power, control, and oversight on the process itself.
To better understand, we must get back to understanding the birth of our young nation, back to as early as 1774, and what events led to the breakup of the relationship with Great Britain. That political ideal was born when a "sovereign people" made the following statement:
WHEN in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
That political statement was made by, and of the people and was the main concept born as we adopted and signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
For the first time in history, a sovereign people acting as one group, as a republic of which is defined as - a group with a certain equality between its members, of whom now became "the government" of whom established the rules, the policies, and framework of which the 'government' itself was to operate, and further mentioned in our declaration of independence were the words as follows...
When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Whereas the Delegates of the United States of America in Congress assembled did on the fifteenth day of November in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventyseven, and in the Second Year of the Independence of America agree to certain articles of Confederation and perpetual Union between the States... The stile of this confederacy shall be ‘‘The United States of America.’’
With the Adoption of the Articles of Confederation, the United States of America was formed, established, and as mentioned in the 1776 Declaration of Independence, each "State" shall be its own republic, independent from one another, and free to self govern itself from a centralized power, or government.
What the "Articles' did, was not only did they create the country, they set in motion of how the "United States" were to be governed, and if you were to assess the very articles themselves, you would conclude the following fact's to be true and correct:
As per Article 1 - we formed the United States of America; whereas Article two established the fact that each of the State's were to be sovereign, independent from one another, and have their own government, in accordance to Article three of which they each signed on to enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defence, the security of their liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other, against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, sovereignty, trade, or any other pretence whatever, and whereas article four, the free inhabitants of each of these States, papers, vagabonds and fugitives from justice excepted, shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of free citizen of the states, pursuant to Article five - the citizens of each state were to commonly elect representatives, delegates to represent each of the states to create a national congress in order to help manage the common defense, monetary, foreign affairs of all the states acting as the United States of America.
The remaining articles pretty much set in motion the manner of which the States shall govern the country, let alone preserve to the states the authority over the national congress itself. Even under the U.S Constitution - the State's themselves never gave up their authority, they simply established a central government to act independently from the state governments themselves. And the 'guardsman" to watch over that central government was, and always has been the "State legislatures", who are elected by the people. And that brings us to who has the authority of electing the "chief executive officer" of the Federal Government itself.
The "State Legislature's" have been given the vast power to act as the first line of defense of the total sovereignty of the People, and the State's respectively, they are elected directly by the people as per the state constitutions, and were tasked with nominating, appointing two of their very own members as U.S Senators within the National Congress, while the people had the right to nominate and elect their own "representative" as part of the U.S House of Representatives whereas the people were to have 1 representative per every greater in number than 30,000 American Citizens of the respective States themselves. Today, the American Citizens of the "States" have one representative for every 735,000 citizens.
Do the "people" directly elect the president? No - nowhere in the U.S Constitution does it ever proclaim that the people themselves directly elect the President, perhaps the only country where the people do not directly elect their president. In fact, it is the "representatives" of the people and their respective states who nominate, and elect the President, while in most states, the "people" were tasked with nominating and electing "delegates" of whom would cast official votes to choose the President.
Even with Amendments 14, 15, and 19 of which protected a citizen's right to vote, the amendments did NOT grant to the citizens the 'direct authority' to elect the president. All those amendments did was allow for both men and women, young and old, and of varying races to vote within their respective state's in public elections thus choosing their own Governor, Legislators, Mayors, City Councils, Local Judges, Officers, Officials, their Presidential Delegates, let alone their Federal Representatives.
No where did the American Citizen gain any such authority of directly electing the President, or Vice President for that matter. The People themselves, depending on their State constitutions, may participate in casting votes as part of public polls, in order to direct which candidates the delegates are to cast ballots for, but the overall authority to vote for President was held by and of the Legislators themselves.
Every two years, the People would hold public votes to elect the Delegates, of whom were to be placed on public ballots by means of nomination petitions as per the rules set forth by the citizens and their legislature. One this this "Electoral College of Delegates" was established, the people and their legislators could then begin the process of nominating, and placing candidates onto a statewide ballot for the Presidency.
Once the candidates were chosen, placed on the Statewide ballots, the Governors, the Legislators, the Delegates would go out across the country to promote, advertise, and market those candidates to get them on as many of the 50 State ballots as necessary to obtain the proper number of delegates necessary to win the Presidency itself. The constitution set the rule that any such candidate was required to get no less than 50% plus one of all possible delegates of which were to be an equal number as the people have representatives within the U.S House - 1 Delegate per Federal District.
On Election Day - the American Citizens by virtue of amendments 14, 15, and 19 - could cast a public vote for Presidential Electors on a statewide election, whereas the Delegate of each of the federal districts was to cast an official presidential ballot in the name of the candidate whom was nominated by the legislatures. The candidate who won the most districts in each of the 50 states, therefore became that state's choice for president, while the legislature was to officially certify and establish a list of all candidates receiving at least one delegate vote of all federal districts.
The Governor then signs off and seals that official ballot, and delivers the state's results to the U.S House of Representative, whereas the state ballots are opened and counted in the presence of both the Senators and the House of Representatives in order to conclude who won the Presidential Election. while any controversies in that vote, would have to be settled in each chamber of Congress to hash out and determine the actual result, while the U.S Senators could at any time concur, and confide with the State Legislators of whom appointed them to represent the States directly in order to solve such controversy.
Once Congress took the official roll call vote, the delegates were added up, organized, and tallied - the candidate of whom received 270 delegates, became president, while the candidate who received the second most delegates became Vice President. IF no such candidate was able to get 270, Congress is to assess, and take the top five candidates receiving the majority of all delegates, placing them in order 1 through 5, whereas in the presence of the U.S Senate - each State was allowed to cast second confirmed vote, where each State counts as 1 Vote Each - on this final vote, the candidate who receives the most votes becomes president, while the candidate who gets the second most votes is officially the Vice President.
Let's face it, under this system, controversies among delegates can arise, in many states, the delegates are sworn to cast an official ballot based on who wins the popular vote in his or district, but, collaboration, corrupted bargains, and personal favors from time to time do play out in those delegate conventions, whereas candidates and delegates conspire together to switch votes, buy votes, let alone change those votes. This is what has to be ironed out in Congress, and in 2020 - where such controversy arose, Vice President Mike Pence was supposed to send the beliggered ballots back to each chamber to be discussed in private, whereas the Senators could concur with their respective State Legislators to determine the proper result.
If Mike Pence had done his job correctly, those statewide ballots from Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, and any other "State" of which may have had a controversy, would have been debated in each "chamber" of which Senate could have concurred with the State Legislators to properly vett and confirm the proper result, before finally, heading back to the full "congress" to finalize taking the roll call vote.
President Donald Trump was correct in ordering Vice President Mike Pence to properly, and constitutionally do his job, and to maintain a Safe, Secure, Fair, and Honest Election for the Presidency. Mike Pence failed the American Citizens, he chose to NOT allow the proper process of vetting the delegates be done, and because of that failure, the American People have lost confidence in the Electoral College of the Delegates.
Since 1828 - the political parties have circumvented this Electoral Process, stripping away at the original concept laid out by the Founding Fathers - step one was to adopt and ratify the 12th Amendment, which split the Presidential Election into two separate elections one for President, and the second for Vice President; secondly - the political parties then lobby the State Legislature's to adopt the "Winner Take All" of the State's Delegates, meaning in most states today, that state's popular vote determines who gets all of the delegates for state, while the 14th Amendment now allows U.S Citizens of the District of Columbia to cast votes for President and Vice President, meaning anyone the Federal Govt has granted U.S Citizenship to, may no vote as a U.S Citizen, and thanks to the 17th Amendment, the U.S Senators are now beholden to the people, directly, and not to the Legislators who have the authority to cast the official vote, and whereas a little known federal law adopted in 1929 - the Congressional Reapportionment Act allowed Congress to realign all federal districts @ 1 per 735,000 citizens, while capping those districts at that level, meaning regardless of whether the population expands or contracts, the people only get 435 Delegates, meaning that Congress can very easily manipulate and control that "vote" by stripping a states of its proper delegates, by giving to another state an additional delegate.
But most importantly, it was in 1877 that Congress adopted and President Grant signed into law the Electoral Commission Act - The House and Senate named five members each to serve on the
commission, and the Supreme Court named five associate justices to serve. The commission would decide “the true and lawful electoral vote of such State” if a state sent multiple electoral slates to Congress. The key vote would fall to one of the named justices sitting on the commission, meaning, no longer could the State Legislators be involved in the handling of any controversies between the delegates. Congress, itself would appoint its 10 member commission to settle any controversy, which in itself, is unconstitutional.
commission, and the Supreme Court named five associate justices to serve. The commission would decide “the true and lawful electoral vote of such State” if a state sent multiple electoral slates to Congress. The key vote would fall to one of the named justices sitting on the commission, meaning, no longer could the State Legislators be involved in the handling of any controversies between the delegates. Congress, itself would appoint its 10 member commission to settle any controversy, which in itself, is unconstitutional.
It was because of this 1877 Act - that Mike Pence failed to send the delegates back to the U.S Senate, in order to allow the Senate to concur with the State Legislatures in determining the true and lawful result as per that particular "State".
IF, we are going to totally fix and repair the Electoral System itself, we must roll back several acts that ruined the original concept of the Electoral College of Delegates, and if we do not, well - the same corrupt political will be easily manipulated by a corrupted Congress, who will do whatever it takes to maintain full power and authority over the States. The rolls are completely reversed today, than they were prior to 1830.
Until then, all we can do today, is best control our own "Statewide" process of voting and electing the President, and that begins with People holding their Secretary of State responsible, their legislature's responsible, to conducting full and complete Investigations, Reviews, and Assessments of not only the
Ballots themselves, but their Voter Rolls, Rules, Procedures, let alone confirming that only American Citizens of that State as based on Domicile Rules, are voting within that state yes or no. If the legislatures do not do their job, if the Secretary of State is not doing his job, then the people's ownly right of passage is to utilize the State Courts.
The President should be the "States' first choice, while the Vice President should always be the State second choice in the presidential elections. If we do not fix this today, then 'we' will have lost our ability to self govern ourselves, and to hold the Federal Government accountable to its crimes, and misdeeds, let alone we lose our "free republic"
"WE" do not want a popular vote to ever again elect the president, and we do not want five states to over rule 45 States when electing the President, there was a reason why the Founders built this electoral system, it was to restrict and maintain the fact that the State Legislators will nominate, and become the authority upon not only Congress, but the Federal Government itself.
The manner in which the Americans choose their President, which separated themselves from the Parliamentary system, where the Parliament chose the Prime Ministers (president), the process allowed for the "people" to be involved in the process.
Because upon creating the Federal Government in 1789, it was decided that Congress, unlike the process of a Parliamentary System, the Congress was not allowed to choose the President, the "Electors" chosen by the "People" under the Executive Branch would be chosen by both the States themselves, as part of a two part process of where the Legislatures nominated candidates, and where the "people" voted for, and chose the "Electors".
- Every four years, the "people" head to the Polls, in South Dakota - to be the June Primary Election Date. On this date, the people directly choose the "Electors", delegates of whom will begin meeting in Committee Meetings to be held between July 20th and October 20th of the Presidential Election Year;
- The State Legislature during this same period of time, begins the process of nominating Potential Candidates for President, of which they must choose at least one person from within the "State", and one person outside the State;
- Between September 20th to October 20th - the Electors then hold "Committee Meetings" where they hold public discussions of which the Candidates are to be introduced, allowing the "Electors" to ask questions, meeting with each of the Candidates, and discuss the best, most talented candidates to represent the people of their respective states;
- On November 7th, or the first Tuesday of the Month - the "Voters" head to the polls to Choose from the list of potential candidates of which best represents their district, of which directs the "elector" of that district to vote for;
- Between November 10th to December 10th, the State Legislature's certify, choose the slate of electors, signed off by the Governor to "represent" the State "Districts" at the National Electoral College Convention of Delegates on December 15th;
- On December 15th - the "Legislative Chosen" Delegates then Cast Official Ballots for President as per the "representative vote" as per each of the State Districts, one by one, state by state, delegate by delegate;
- On January 6th of the Preceding Year, the United States Congress in the Presence of both the Senators and House of Representatives, and by allowing the American People to "watch over" from above, open up those Official Ballots, whereas the candidate who wins the most "Districts" becomes President, where the candidate who receives the second most "Districts" becomes Vice President, while the winner, must obtain 50% Plus One District (elector).
So you can see, the "overall" process of Choosing the American President, in the best interest of the Majority of States (26 of 50), really begins on the June Primary State Election, where the voters choose the Electors, over the next 3 months the Legislatures nominate the Presidential Candidates, where on November 7th, the "voters' go to the polls to choose their choice of President, whereas on December 15th, the Electors Cast Official Ballots for President in the Interests of Each District, while January 6th, the Congress opens up those Official ballots.
Any controversies that may develop on January 6th as the Congress opens up the Ballots, therefore, the State Legislature's must be included in large part, to bind the Congress to the numerous "State Laws" governing over the "Ballots" or the Electors.