Precinct News

As a duly elected Precinct Committeeman, Representing Precinct 05-18 - it is my goal, and ambition to work with as many residents of the County, to help them become active voters, to help the residents engage with one another, and to better inform the citizens of the State of South Dakota on our Federal and State Constitution, all State Statutes, Local Ordinances, and all political concepts, agendas, helping to become a voice for the people, and by the people.

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South Dakota 2024 Ballot Questions

Reasons for Voting No on Initiative Measure 28,  the major reason that I cannot support, nor vote in favor of removing sales tax from Food, Clothing, or any such item that may be defined as human consumption is the confusion that it will lead in the business community, especially the small business community that does not have all the means as larger businesses to manage their accounting. How would we determine which businesses have to collect sales tax or not, and what about the term "Human Consumption" being injected into state statutes? 
Human Consumption refers to the act of using, eating, or drinking something.  In sociology, consumption goes beyond basic survival needs, and includes entertainment, amusement, and sharing experiences with others. In the context of water, human consumption includes drinking,bathing, hand washing, oral hygiene, and cooking. 
In sociology, consumption is about so much more than just taking in or using up resources. Humans consume to survive, of course, but in today's world, we also consume to entertain and amuse ourselves, and as a way to share time and experiences with others. We consume not only material goods but also services, experiences, information, and cultural products like art, music, film, and television.
According to the website, ThoughtCo.Com,  Sociologists recognize that many aspects of our daily lives are structured by consumption. In fact, Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman wrote in the book Consuming Life that Western societies are no longer organized around the act of production, but instead, around consumption. This transition began in the United States in the mid-twentieth century, after which the most productive jobs were moving overseas, and our economy shifted to retail and the provision of services and information.  As a consequence, most of us spend our days consuming rather than producing goods. On any given day, one might travel to work by bus, train, or car; work in an office that requires electricity, gas, oil, water, paper, and a host of consumer electronics and digital goods; purchase a tea, coffee, or soda; go out to a restaurant for lunch or dinner; pick up dry cleaning; purchase health and hygiene products at a drugstore; use purchased groceries to prepare dinner, and then spend the evening watching television, enjoying social media, or reading a book. All of these are forms of consumption. Because consumption is so central to how we live our lives, it has taken on great importance in the relationships we forge with others. We often organize visits with others around the act of consuming, whether that be sitting down to eat a home-cooked meal as a family, taking in a movie with a date, or meeting friends for a shopping excursion at the mall. In addition, we often use consumer goods to express our feelings for others through the practice of gift-giving, or notably, in the act of proposing marriage with an expensive piece of jewelry.
The confusion comes more into play, whereas you begin to realize the political nature of passing laws to benefit those who do the most lobbying for such laws. Because consumption can serve processes of exclusion and marginalization in today's society, our political leaders could furthermore, draft and pass future laws that could possibly cause conflicts between race, ethnicity, culture, sexuality, or religion. 
America today has transitioned into a more consumption based economy, leading to large multinational corporations purchasing labor from foreign countries with the intent to lower manufacturing costs, production time - all leading to lower wages in America. And that leads to a greater dependency on the government. The greater importance of government to provide for the general welfare of the citizens themselves, leads to increased taxes statewide. 
And if we are going to cut that "sales tax revenue" all across the "state", it is going to lead not only the state government to search for revenues from any such sources, it will lead to our local governments at the county and city levels to do the same.  The only solution will be to create a statewide income tax whether that be corporations or personal wages, and that can have an even greater effect on our local economies, leading to a greater dependence on the federal government, and increased level of global trade policy.
Rather than voting to remove Sales Tax from anything defined as Human Consumption, we should be lobbying the State Legislature, City Councils to decrease the sales tax rates, or by dispersing the surplus of tax revenues back to the citizens, giving that money back to the people themselves, thus rewarding them for creating good economies. 
During the sales tax debate these past two years, the tax rate was being discussed, whether to exempt food from the tax itself, where many of us said leave the tax on food, but make the refund programs much easier to obtain, for those who wish to apply for help to pay their bills. In South Dakota, we have such a relief program: 
  • All American Citizens of the State, who have paid Sales Tax - can in fact apply for a Tax  Refund where their Annual Income fell below 150% of the Federal Poverty Threshold,  which allows them to receive up to $650 dollars annually each year. This money is then  further reimbursed to the "taxpayer" to help them buy food, clothes, utilities, helping to  subsidize their basic living.  
  • All Americans CItizens of the State of whom "Travel" outside State, and elect to pay  Sales Taxes in Foreign States, can further Apply for a Tax Credit on all sales taxes paid  to other States, where they paid greater than the codified 'tax rate' they are legally and lawfully instructed to pay, and where you pay more than 4.5% (or 6.5% including local sales  tax), you can apply for, and request a "Credit" upon remitting to the State a Tax Return for each Month's worth of Expenses. 
With the advent of the Remote Sales Tax on Internet Sales, Out-of-State Sales, and to include  the Population Growth, South Dakota has a surplus of sales tax funds that is growing more than  any State in the Union, enough so, as a state, perhaps we should be looking to provide some Economic Relief to its Citizens of the State, where they may need it the most. 
By voting No on I.M 28 this coming November, you should at the same time, be lobbying your Citizen Legislature, your City Councils to establish relief programs for your fellow neighbors. 
Just this past Wednesday, August 7, 2024, at my local City of Sioux Falls Council Meeting, I directed my public comments to my local officials, by explaining the fact that, if we vote no on Initiative Measure 28, then we must find a way to win the support of, and favor the Residents of Sioux Falls, to whom we are encouraging the City of Sioux Falls to charge a Sales Tax on all goods and services they purchase in our city limits - I then encourage our city council to cut the 2nd Penny Sales Tax from 1.00% to 0.90%. I presented statistics that show a projection where due to the population increase, alongside the annual revenue increase, that we would not be sitting in a terrible position. Based on historical data, the city is well-managed, and I would presume, we as a city, would find ways to best manage our revenue. The 2nd Penny is, and was designed to be a temporary tax, giving us the means of raising future revenues towards future capital projects, let alone any future bond payments. I fully support Mayor Paul TenHaken in his quest to lobby the voters to Vote No I.M 28 - but in doing so, I also encourage this Governing Board, led by the Mayor, the 3 At-Large Representatives, and the 5 District Representatives to find it within yourselves, to give to the residents a tax cut, over the next 4 or 5 years, allowing the citizens to save a little extra cash, affording them to spend those dollars as they so desire. In the end, the City of Sioux Falls potentially would find itself in the winner circle, as the residents themselves end up spending more money they did not have before. I look forward to that future discussion. - Mike Zitterich, resident of Sioux Falls. 
In closing, I ask my fellow Citizens of South Dakota to reach out to all your family and friends, your neighbors, even your co-workers, to encourage them to all Vote No on I.M 28!
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A Candidate for President of the United States Must be an American-Natural Born Citizen of One of the 50 U.S States of the Union, to whom has Resided in America for 35 Years - this is a key point to remember, to which our founding fathers stated many times when drafting, debating, and adopting the United States Constitution. The Framers, of course, would have been intimately familiar with these statutes and the way they used terms like “natural born,” since the statutes were binding law in the colonies before the Revolutionary War and no doubt informed by this long standing tradition, just three years after the drafting of the Constitution, the First Congress established that children born abroad to U.S. citizens were U.S. citizens at birth, and explicitly recognized that such children were “natural born Citizens.” The Naturalization Act of 1790 provided that “the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens: Provided, That the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States . . . .The actions and understandings of the First Congress are particularly persuasive because so many of the Framers of the Constitution were also members of the First Congress. That is particularly true in this instance, as eight of the eleven members of the committee that proposed the natural born eligibility requirement to the Convention served in the First Congress and none objected to a definition of “natural born Citizen” that included persons born abroad to citizen parents.
In a letter between George Washington and John Jay, it was learned, that whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a . . . strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Command in chief of the american [sic] army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.
What does the Constitution say?   No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States. Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5, in addition, it goes on to say, All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.
So, let's take a look at a few definitions shall we. The words Citizenship StatusJurisdiction, and American States
American States are defined asthe term came to refer to the legal standing of persons (such as the various "estates of the realm" – noble, common, and clerical), and in particular the special status of the king. The highest estates, generally those with the most wealth and social rank, were those that held power. Those "persons" that bind themselves to the state. Therefore, a state is a political entity that regulates society and the population within a territoryGovernment is considered to form the fundamental apparatus of contemporary states. Whereas, a person's Citizenship Status further is defined as a person bound to the status of being a citizen to whom is bound by membership in a community (state, county, city); and this citizenship is subjected to the Jurisdiction Thereof (of the community), to which jurisdiction is defined by a system of law courts; a judicature, to which the territory or sphere of activity over which the legal authority of a court or other institution, thus giving the official power to make legal decisions and judgments, governing over the status of holding a status (citizenship) of the community (state, county, city).  
All said and done, if you are born in a specific "state", to a father (or father and mother) to whom are "Citizens" of one of the 50 States, the "state" to which holds jurisdiction over the citizenship status, gives to to that particular "state" the legal and lawful right to grant citizenship to you, upon you making application to become an active citizen of the "state". 
So long as you have an official legal document, proving you were "born" on this soil, typically a "Certificate of Live Birth" given to your "Parents" by a Hospital. This legal document would present to the "state" the names of both your parents, would show the location of your birth (the hospital), would contain your birth name, your hand print, your footprint, signed off by the hospital of record. 

The Hospital would provide to the Department of Health, to whom holds the business license of the hospital, a copy of the document, to which, that hospital provides to your parents the official, hard copy document, to which would be given to  you upon your eighteenth (18) birthday, allowing you to at that time, submit to the "state", your application to become a citizen thereof.
The only other means (or way), a American State could grant to anyone a citizenship status, would be if a "foreign-born person" has gone through the naturalization process of the country itself.  But these persons shall not, nor can they become a candidate for President of the United States. Only their "children" born in one of the 50 States may become a candidate for president.
The Total Sovereignty of the United States shall be always upheld, defended, and protected against ALL persons to whom hold loyalties, allegiances , pledges to foreign countries. Would you want any of these persons to become your "commander-in-chief" of your U.S Army, Navy, or any State Militia in times of foreign wars, or act as President managing foreign affairs of the U.S? 
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Four Great Presidential Speeches that Called Out the Established Order for their Crimes Against the American People
Beginning with the Electoral Season of 1897, four men attempted to call out, warn, attempting to wake up the American People, calling out the mysterious, Federal, Militarized, Administered State that had become the "Established Order" during the 1860 to 1880 period to which established for themselves control over our centralized government. These four men should go down in history as Heros, Champions of State Sovereignty, and the last line of Defense of the Constitution today. 

First, we have the speech by U.S Senator, William Jennings Bryan, who was attempting to become President between 1890 to 1908, 
Bryan was born in Salem, Illinois on March 19, 1860. He graduated from Illinois College in 1881 (A.M. 1884), and from the Union College of Law in 1883. He was admitted to the Illinois State Bar in 1883 and practiced law in Jacksonville, Illinois prior to moving to Lincoln, Nebraska in 1887. Bryan won election to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1890 and served until 1895, championing Populist causes such as the free coinage of silver, national income tax, and direct election of Senators. After mounting an unsuccessful bid for the U.S. In 1894, Bryan returned to Nebraska and edited the Omaha World-Herald. Although not a declared candidate for the 1896 presidential race, Bryan secured the Democratic nomination following the delivery of his “Cross of Gold” speech but lost the election to Republican candidate William McKinley. Listen to his Speech here:
Next, we come to Dwight D. Eisenhoweras commanding general of the victorious forces in Europe during World War II, Dwight Eisenhower oversaw the growth of postwar prosperity. He excelled in sports in high school, and received an appointment to West Point. Stationed in Texas as a second lieutenant.  Eisenhower met with the leaders of the British, French, and Soviet governments. The president proposed that the United States and Soviet Union exchange blueprints of each other’s military establishments and “provide within our countries facilities for aerial photography to the other country.  During his last two years in office, Eisenhower tried to make “a chip in the granite” of the cold war. He welcomed Nikita Khrushchev to Camp David and planned to meet the Soviet leader at a four-power Paris summit the following spring to seek ways to reduce their antagonism, where he surprised many Americans by warning them to “guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.  Listen to that speech here:
Third, we come to President John F. Kennedy, who replaced Eisenhower, and like the first two men, called out the federalized, established order itself.  As President, he set out to redeem his campaign pledge to get America moving again. His economic programs launched the country on its longest sustained expansion since World War II.  He wished America to resume its old mission as the first nation dedicated to the revolution of human rights.  Kennedy now contended that both sides had a vital interest in stopping the spread of nuclear weapons and slowing the arms race–a contention which led to the test ban treaty of 1963, to which his administration thus saw the beginning of new hope for both the equal rights of Americans and the peace of the world. His speech given to the Free Press, calling out the Federalized, Established Order, perhaps is what got him assassinated, can be heard here:
And finally, we come to our fourth, and final person, President Donald J. Trump, to whom came to be elected in a time, of which we see ourselves in a revolutionary period of time, to which the American People are learning from their mistakes, in an attempt to reverse history, where America needs determined Republican Leadership at every level of Government to address the core threats to our very survival: Our disastrously Open Border, our weakened Economy, crippling restrictions on American Energy Production. We today, so wish to make clear our commitment, we offer to the American people the 2024 GOP Platform to Make America Great Again - 
Please, listen to Donald Trump's infamous speech that may have changed the course of events, expressing to the Established Order that America was finally changing from within. You can click on that speech here: - the speech was a devine, and powerful message, that the American was in fact, Restoring its Republic! 
Each of these four men, spoke on a Nations Sovereignty to make its own decisions, to establish peace and tranquility around the globe, and to for both America and Russia to work together to guide all people of the world, as two spiritual, and righteous countries, to lead by example. From William Jennings Bryan, to Dwight D. Eisenhower, to Kenney, and finally Donald Trump. These four men became a breath of fresh air, proclaiming to the world that America was to be Free, Independent, and Libertized from an Established Order than has attempted to to control them. 

America First! 
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A American First Republican Pledge: 
  1. Higher Taxes on Foreign Transactions to Restrict the Flow of Goods and Services Coming from Foreign Countries; and
  2. Lower Taxes on American-Born Citizens of the Fifty-Member States of the Union of United States, allowing for Americans to Become Prosperous; and
  3. Federal and State Election Sovereignty, Closing Access to Our Voter Registration Lists to be Only of True-American Citizens of the Fifty-Member States; and
  4. Tougher Border Security, Closing Our Border to All Immigrants from Other Countries by Enacting Measures that Enforce Strategies to Restrict Human Trafficking; and
  5. Work with Member-American States helping Each Sovereign State to Establish a State Central Banking System allowing for the Closing of the Federal Reserve Banking System. This will allow for the United States Treasury to invest federal tax dollars into these American-Member State Central Banks, with the Goal of Issuing Federal Certificates and Securities in State Treasuries; and
  6. Shutting Down the Federal Department of Education, by Working with the 50-American Member States to Invest Directly into Individual School Districts to Promote Science, Language Arts, History, and Mathematics; and
  7. Shutting Down the Federal Social Security and Medicare Programs, by the Remaining Profits from the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds into State Central Financial Institutions, giving to the 50 American-Member States Greater Access to Provide for the General Retirement, Health, and Security of American Citizens Providing Access to Citizens Retirement Benefits; and
  8. Shutting Down the Federal Agencies such as I.R.S, E.P.A, F.D.A, C.I.A, and F.B.I Allowing the Federal Government to Invest Better Resources in State Fiscal Procedures, Auditing Procedures, Defend and Protecting American Natural Resources, Minerals, and Land Uses throughout the Country, and finally, Investing into Federal and State Law Enforcement Mechanisms - U.S Marshals, County Sheriff Departments, and Local Police Efforts; and
  9. Providing to All American Citizens Greater Access to Finance Platforms, Mechanisms, Programs, Monies to Start Up Businesses, and to Provide for Better Working Conditions by working Directly with the 50-American Member States to promote Property Rights, Prosperity, and Financial Strength; and
  10. Encouraging Strong Religious, and Faith-Based Efforts to Promote Religious Principles, by Allowing for Symbols, Religious Codes, Documents to be Promoted in Public Buildings, Places. 
America First refers to a populist political theory in the United States that emphasizes the fundamental notion of "putting America first", which generally involves disregarding global affairs and focusing solely on domestic policy in the United States.
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Are the Countries of Great Britain and the United States one in the same under the Holy Roman Empire?
The Roman supposedly fell in the year 476, but what really happened to all the land that once was part of, and within territory of the empire - it was placed in a public trust and sold back to the people that resided on the land itself.
The generally agreed-upon date for the fall of Rome is September 4, 476 AD. On this date, the Germanic king Odoacer stormed the city of Rome and deposed its emperor, leading to its collapse1. The Western Roman Aranda Empire lost central political control, and its vast territory was divided among several successor polities. While the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire survived and remained an effective power in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Western Empire never regained its strength.
The City of London, which is a centralized county, of local government, a district to which was established by the Romans in the year 43, has become the global leader in both business and financial institutions. It would be the central place of power under the Roman Empire, until the empire fell itself...
Between the years 600 and 1000, two empires would rise to great power, both would rise from the ashes of the Roman Empire.
The Eastern portion of the empire became known as the Byzantine Empire - in reality, the empire split into the Greek East and the Latin West.
So you saw this huge expansive move across the European and Asian Continents back to former political beliefs of Democratic and a Republic.
In the West, you had Germanic Tribes controlling much of the Western Empire, and in the East, you had inhabitants that referred to themselves as Romans, while their Islamic neighbors often called themselves, or referred to themselves as residing on the "Land of the Romans". Which led the movement that gave rise to the Ottoman Empire.
After the Romans fought, and drove the "Jews" out of Judea, they gave the land itself back to the people of the land. They destroyed the Jewish Temple, rebuilding the southern portion of Mt. Zion to place their Roman Pagan Temple - Jupiter, while the Dome of the Rock now sits on the northern part of Mt Zion where the former Roman Fort Antonia once was.
It is known today that many of the former 10 Tribes of Israel migrated to Northern Europe between the years 1000 and 760 B.C.E after the Assyrians conquered the Nation of Israel, while the remaining tribes, mainly Judah and Benjamin remained behind to rebuild and establish the Kingdom of Judea, thus building their Jewish Temple on the same spot as Solomon's ancient temple.
By this time, this area came under control of the Romans, and it would be Rome that helped finance, and rebuild the City of Jerusalem, expanding the Temple Complex to include both the Jewish Temple and the Roman Fort that we now see the remains of today.
This area was always part of the Greek and Roman Empires. The Greeks had established a Democratic Empire, while the Romans had built their Republic form of an empire. The two collided about the time the Jews came from exile, and looked to rebuild their temple.
During this time, it appears the Roman Empire had been expanding to fast, and cracks began to appear, and it could have been this time, when they now decide to build their Economic capital in England, establishing the City of London as a central place of power in the west, whereas they began aligning the eastern region of the empire with their Greek brotheran, creatine Constantinople.
With the Jewish Revolt in 70 A.D, the Romans expelled the Jews all across Southern Europe, taking them captive as slaves to help build, and establish for themselves, what would become the Holy Roman Empire in the years ahead.
Rome put up all their land in a public trust by this point, which led to different sects of people to come and claim land, to which the Romans would subdivide, and profit from the sale of such lands.
The City of London became the central governing post, the financial capital of the Eastern Empire, while Constitine became the
City of Constantine became the financial capital of the Western Empire. One based on Latin, and the other based on Greek.
Rome became a Church, while London became the Bank. All proceeds from the sale of land were deposited in the City of London.

New State-Controlled Religions would be created, first by means of the Catholic Roman faith, the remnants of the early "christians". From this created religion, a split was brewing, leading to Christianity and Islam between the years 500 and 1000 A.D.E.
The history of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation is the heritage not only of Germany and Austria, but of the whole of Central Europe. In large parts of Germany, in particular in the West and Southwest, the Holy Roman Empire was a functioning political and cultural reality for centuries. The ‘office’ of the Holy Roman Emperor was hereby formally transferred from Middle Francia to East Francia/Kingdom of Germany, where it would remain for the rest of the Holy Roman Empire’s history.
You now see this huge Revolutionary Move in the 'west' to break away from this political mass culture, by recreating, and forming the Country of Great Britain and the United States in the years ahead.
With the Eastern half of the former Roman Empire becoming more Islamic, the Western Empire was quickly becoming Protestant, a newer, more relaxed version of Christianity itself.
Between the years 1400 and 1800, the split in the Western Empire led to new countries - England, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Austria, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the Baltic States.
Out of this Revolution, you get Great Britain and the United States.
In the Map Below,you see Virginia Land Company. Keep in mind, beginning in 1604, the British led by the established order, the Monarch, and the Holy Roman Empire formed and funded the company, which was to be owned by the "Crown Government", with the Monarch being the sovereign authority over all land claims and rights:
image.png  Beginning in 1607 on through 1760, the members of the "company" began buying land, and making claims to such land in this territory. The reason, they wanted to establish "colonies" which would act as large plantation type corporations, that would be utilized by the "King" to contract out to Lordes that would act as Presidents of each of these colonies, giving the king the ability to commit to the concept of sending deplorable, rebel rising British residents to these areas. These people became "tenants" on the land, used as a form of cheap labor, in turn, would allow Great Britain to profit from the land itself.
Then others followed, the Ulster-Scots (the pilgrims were part of this group), German-Lutherans, and Moravians all came to the territory, escaping religious persecution, the common law, to hopefully find a new home in America, as early as 1620....
A little over 100 years ago, this group of people began to rise up against the established government, in hopes to create their own country that best represents them.

However, as the Revolution transpired, the King of England made sure that he would maintain all authority over the land, by means of acting through the Virginia Land Company.

In 1783, as you read the Peace Treaty, the King implanted his people, representatives from Great Britain, and representatives in America, to draw up the 'treaty' and this was done with the intent to write the agreement in the best interest of the Monarchy itself.
The Virginia Land Company was the "Established Government" ruling over the Colonies, and it was the company itself which owned, and held in equity, ALL the land within this territory.
As part of the agreement, the King would maintain all ownership of the land, while giving to the "American People" the right to be sovereign, able to be free from the "King" to move around on the land, conducting their own activities, so long as they abided by the treaty.

Between 1770 to 1780, the Colonies began transitioning to "States", these charters became constitutions adopted by the "representatives' of the colonies, acting in the interest of the Virginia Land Company - by treaty, the people owed a tax, a royalty payment for residing on the land, and a restitution to the owner(s) of the land itself...
These "Colonies" became States, a political division of a body of people that occupies a territory defined by frontiers,, to which the state is sovereign in its territory (also referred to as jurisdiction) and has the authority to enforce a system of rules over the people living inside it.
You see, the people still were tenants on the land, owing a 'tax' or a restitution payment for the right to live on, work on, and profit from the land as per the agreements made in the 1783 treaty.
The "Company maintained its authority of the land, acting as the 'covert' operation on behalf of Great Britain. Under the terms, the newly created States could elect representatives that acted as delegates to the National Congress, to whom they would meet to discuss Foreign Affairs, Defense, ,Immigration, Monetary policies, thus entering into trade agreements with foreign nations.
These State Legislators were chosen by "qualified voters" to whom by their constitution a specific group of people who became a part of the "State" in order to adopt laws, rules, codes, etc.
In order to be a qualified voter, you had to own land, be a property holder, and be a domiciled citizen of the state itself. And keep in mind the King, by way of the "Virginia Company" owned the land, and he qualified a group of people to act as voters in America.

From 1777 to 1787, the "National Congress" acted as the United States, adopting rules, codes, and ordinances to manage activities on the land, based on the terms set forth by treaty, while the Virginia Land Company and its acting members profited from it.
The National Congress elected a President that served 1 year term, there were 8 Presidents under the Articles of Confederation.
In 1788, the "State Delegates" delegates decided they needed a Corporate Constitution in order to better manage, operate, and conduct official business of the "United States" aka Virginia Land Company, to which the newly adopted Constitution becomes a new charter, imposed on the "Congress' to operate under a set of rules.
The Constitution was not created for the People, it was created for the "Congress" to whom acted as representatives of the States.

All Newly created "States' between 1792 to 1832, were created by Organic Acts of Congress, to whom these new states would be created from, establishing their territories, jurisdiction. They adopted the same compacts, land covenants as did the original 13 States, to whom are bound by the Virginia Land Company.
By 1871, the Organic Act to Establish a Government for the District of Columbia, led to creating the United States Land Company, to which between 1860 to 1880, the entire "country,: all States became a Federal, Militarized, Administrated Company.
We never escaped the control of Great Britain...IF this is all true, then we must lead into discussions of how Dakota Territory was formed, established, and the "cities" of South Dakota formed. 
Beginning with the Virginia Land Company, you branch out and get these lesser land companies, all bound to the 1783 Treaty, the 1788 Ordinance, and all Land Covenants previously agreed to. 

If we had never broken away from the "Crown", and if the Crown Government is represented by the "Virginia Land Company '', then all land companies, that became states, townships, municipalities, have all been contracted, and tied to the crown. And today, since 1871, every 'State" is administratively tied to the District of Columbia, to whom 'acts' as the United States Land Company today. 
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The 2024 S.D Primary was held last night, June 4th, and folks, you can see that God is Guiding the Ship helping Take Back America.

Many Established Persons either lost their seats, or their choices could not win their elections, meaning the "America First Patriots" are picking up steam, and Grabbing Control of the Republican Party.
The Establishment lost many seats in this years Primary, most noted, Mary Fritgerald lost her seat on the Lawrence County Precinct Committee, and Jake Schoenbeck (Lee's son) got derailed in his attempt to take his fathers place in the Legislature.

A huge win for Tom Pischke, perhaps the "Leader of the Patriots" alongside Jon Hansen, dominated, and out right beat Pat Powers chosen candidate - Jordan Youngblood.

Sadly, Julie Frye-Mueller lost by a mere 150 votes to Amber Hulse, so we lose a few races, but within the "party" - we gain Patriots.
The Establishment is not happy with the results, they are blaming low voting turn outs, clamoring to the fact, they wish to place all "At-Large Positions" on the primary ballot to attract more voters.

Land Right Activists won many seats, such as Travis Ismay, and McKayla Voita beat out Erin Tobin to protect our Land Rights.

Pat Powers, who is seemingly the leader of the "Neocon, Established R.I.N.O Group of Candidates is not happy at all:
Statewide, both the House and the Senate offering to the public in the fall took a lurch to the right, and some seats that were safe going into the fall have turned into possibilities for the other team where there are Democrats available to contest them. With the division in the party, this could be the where the SDGOP’s exclusive lock on offices starts to crumble. - Pat Powers
He goes on to say, that the blood bath taken to remove many of the left leaning republicans could lead to the "Jungle Primary" being adopted this fall...
Also moving towards the fall, I think you might watch for the top-two primary effort to find some boost to their efforts to move South Dakota to a jungle primary, as the shockingly low turnout has given credence to their arguments that the current system gives us the most extreme choices. It makes it more challenging to argue against that point. - Pat Powers
This is how far the "left" will go to win, or keep their power, the Left-Leaning Republicans will side with Democrats to get what they want.
The power hold that the Establishment has held over South Dakotans is beginning to fall, as evidence in Yankton County with their adoption of new rules for the Yankton G.O.P, leading to the S.D G.O.P disqualifyuing them, thus separating from them going forward.
The Establishment is more concerned with raising campaign funds to hold their power, so much so, they are willing to cancel out the voice of the People of the Counties, to keep their control.
In the words of Pat Powers, "that mix of the political environment that the surge in Facebook populist candidates taking over the GOP has literally strangled the party for fundraising."
Gee...I wonder who he is referring to, there are many of us using Social Media to its fullest to help wake people up, to help band together, to reorganize, restructure, and re-brand the Republican Party to become a "America-First, Patriot Group of People"
This is why Primary Elections are so important. They can be a major asset for focused "voters" to present themselves to the rest of the State, their Counties, their Local Cities, that they expect 'changes' to occur...
Yankton County may have presented to many of us, that 'we' can Declare Ourselves Sovereign, thus breaking away from the status quo, band together, and adopt a List of Abuses of Government, to listing a Set of Resolves, that can be used to Fix that Government.
The People of South Dakota are saying, Protect Our Land Rights, Protect Local Control, and Stop Selling Us Down the River.
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Why do so many people oppose "Home Rule Communities" despite not understanding what they are and are not?

The Constitution reserves to the "People" to maintain their homesteads, farmsteads, estates, and sovereign right to control the activity on their land, their property, yet alone, form their own government.
As some have brought forward a copy of a rough draft of a charter to the Minnehaha County Commission, I have heard so many people speak some pretty negative things about the attempt to do so.

A Charter does not create a Monarchial Government, it does not strip people of their rights, it simply creates a government structure that best can be defined by the people themselves.
Having participated in the C.R.C public meetings in Sioux Falls over the past 5 years, I have come to better understand charters, yet alone what a Home Rule Community is..

Do you not support your "right" to self govern yourselves?

The United States was created based on "Charters" from England. In fact, it was the 1609 Virginia Land Company that was granted a "Charter" from the King, to create a massive-sized Territory, so large, it became referred to as America, which means, "land of Amerigo"
 and derives from Amerigo and gen, the accusative case of Greek, the "earth".  
The "Charter" spelled out the form of government to be used in the territory, defined how the territory would be broken down into precincts, further broken down in "estates", homesteads, etc.
People forget that Virginia was basically sea to sea, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, and the land was governed by the charter.
Fast forward today, South Dakota and North Dakota were created from an Organic Act that Created Dakota Territory, to which created a temporary government, led by a Governor, Secretary, Code Council, a House of Representatives, and a Treasurer.

It would then govern over the territory, allowing Americans to come in, claim land, obtain land patents giving them ownership to 160 or 320 acres of land, creating estates, to which later on, the people began to form Counties, Towns, and Homesteads, Farmsteads. 
As these groups of people organized, one county at a time, a 'State" was formed as the population grew to 30,000 Americans, and in order to maintain our right to self govern ourselves, we reserved to ourselves the right to create Home Rule Communities ...
Home rule in the United States is a system of local self-government that gives political subdivisions, such as counties or municipalities, the power to make decisions about their government without state approval. This includes the ability to determine the government's structure, functions, fiscal matters, and regulations. Home rule can also mean that state power doesn't infringe on local government authority in certain areas.
We did that, "WE" the "people" gave to ourselves the ability to control, manage, create our own governments, as we desired.

While some of us voiced our displeasure for the type of "Charter" brought forward to the County Commission, what we have to remember is 'we', and we only reserved to ourselves the ability to do so at any time.

Sioux Falls was created by several 'charters', mainly business charters, one from the State of Iowa, given to the Dubuque Land Company to whom claimed 320 acres of land along the west bank of the Big Sioux River above the Falls; and another from Minnesota, giving to a group of people of St. Paul, the Dakota Land Company a charter, to whom claimed 320 acres of land south of the Iowa charter, along the bank of the Big Sioux River - today, these two town sites are commonly referred today as "Downtown Sioux Falls''.
These 'chartered' colonies of people began to pop up all across Dakota Territory, some became homesteads, others became farmsteads, and others town sites, and of course we had the railroad and business companies claiming lands as well...

As the "State" was being formed between 1860 to 1890, the early framework to our government statewide structure was being formed.

Land was being donated to house the Governor Mansion, the Capital, the State Administration Buildings, right down to the County and Local Governments themselves.
But lest you forget, the ability of the People to maintain their homestead, their townships was left intact.
And with that, Home Rule Communities were born. And with that, we end this narrative how it all began, with a brief description of what was, and is Virginia:
The Virginia Land Company, "America' was really founded by a people that were escaping corrupted government officials. These people included the Ulster-Scots, the Germanic People, and other groups from Europe, all to whom wanted to escape the political corruption of the Holy Roman Empire that held power in Europe at the time.
Virginia is a Feminine form of the Roman family name Verginius or Virginius, which is of unknown meaning, but long associated with Latin virgo "maid, virgin". According to a legend, it was the name of a Roman woman killed by her father so as to save her from the clutches of a crooked official.
They created "precincts" throughout Virginia, to which created Plantations, Estates, and Colonies throughout all of America between 1600 and 1800. The American "States" were born from Organic Acts within this "territory", that the people created their administrative form of government structure, to which those contemporary states were created based on prior arrangements, engagements, agreements, while protecting estates, homesteads, plantations - all set by treaties. 
If the People of Minnehaha County truly wish to have this conversation, then I urge the County Commission, our Elected Office Holders to adopt an Ordinance (or resolution) to create a Home Rule Charter Research Committee to be made up of at least 9 members, from each corner of the county, while inviting all township supervisors, precinct people, and voters to participate in a multi-year discussion, to study, research, and draft a charter that best makes sense to ALL the people of the county, while not stepping on the toes of each other. "We have the right to make our voices heard. 
We could very easily recreate a County Government that has a 9 Member Council made up of a County President, three At-Large Persons, and five District Persons, each representing the people in the Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, and Central areas, to who the voters continue to also elect a Treasurer, Auditor, Register of Deeds Clerk, Sheriff, Coroner, and District Attorney. 
As a Home Rule Community, We the People of Minnehaha County, could more fluidly, and actively control our land uses, thus upholding, and protecting our right to control the land itself. 

Understanding, and Reading the S.D Republican Party Platform, 
The People of the Counties once they become organized, giving the people the ability to grab control of the party itself, by means of their organization, the America First Voters can elect Legislative Delegates, County and Precinct Committee People to hold public meetings under the County. 
They  further elect a County Chairmen, their Vice Chairmen, alongside a Treasurer, and Secretary to manage the county chapter of the "party". From there, they form the Statewide Party Chairs, Vice Chairs, Treasure, and Secretary that meet quarterly, or monthly to discuss party platforms, policies, resolutions, etc, while choosing their new South Dakota Republican Party Chairman. 
As all the Counties become organized, begin to correspond with each other, they begin to adopt, and form their Statewide Platform, Policy,  putting together their list of State At-Large list of Office Holders - Governor, Lt. Governor, State Treasurer, State Auditor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, School and Public Land Commissioner, and Public Utilities Commissioner forming their Interim State Government. 
They then begin to negotiate, and work with the State Government in developing and adopting initiatives, resolutions, engaging with and operating the "State" under new directives - this becomes their plan on Taking Power from the current Establishment.  
As the People of the Counties become more and more America First, bound to the 14 Articles of Freedom, then, the South Dakota Republican Party begins to remarket itself, and rebrand itself, changing the "party" Under the State itself. 
The America First Candidates are winning, and the Plan is to Take Back America in 2024. 
We, the People, of the Save the Republic Political Action Committee, have established a committee to seek out, and form an alliance of Citizens of South Dakota who wish to help nominate potential candidates, and to support initiatives and resolutions that support the original framework of the State of South Dakota, as per the origins of the Country.
We, Today, Must Adopt a New Declaration with the Intent to Create a List of Resolves. This New Declaration must present to the Government of the United States, that We the People are Choosing to Restore the Original Republic as Free, Independent, Sovereign States, to Whom Promise to ProtectPreserve, and Defend the United States Constitution.
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The American Government was Patterned After the Ancient Israelite Form of Government - a Republic


AMERICA was put together in the same format as Moses installed the Israelite Governing Process, from the bottom, to the top, all to be UNDER THE HOUSE OF GOD.

The S.D Legislature much like your City Councils at the local level, are not above the people, it is the other way around, in a true REPUBLIC, which means the PUBLIC THING (The Law) the PEOPLE are above their Government, and the People stand "Under God".

When the Arch-Angel Lucifer fell from Heaven, it was God's way of punishing him, because he placed himself ABOVE the House of God, and that upsets the entire apple card.

Under the "true" Israelite Governing Process which was put together by Moses as a True Republic - it went like this:

HOUSE OF GOD (God Spoke through him by means of the Tabernacle)

  • Moses was the Chosen Leader (Executive);
  • Aaron became God's Chosen Public Speaker of the Word of God


The People therefore govern over their Tribal Territories by means of Elected and Appointed Persons called Boards, Committees, and Commissions.  Of which allow the People to work through those committees/commissions the process of appointing, and electing the following:  Executive, Vice-Executive, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Land Commissioner...

Those Appointed or Elected Persons "act" as the Government Officials Administering and Managing the Government.

Furthermore, the People then elect their Tribal Councils, Territorial Legislatures, and a National Legislature.  Each Level Beneath the one who Created them.

LUCIFERIANS think the opposite, they think of themselves as ABOVE THE LION aka House of God. This would be the Zionist Political Movement, the Global Association of Financiers, World Leaders, etc.

The American State Republics are like the 12 Tribes of Israel - they act as a loose Confederation of Member Tribal People, each with their own government, activities and section of land. They act as the United States, just as the 12 Tribes acted as the Nation of Israel.

In a true Republic is beneath the HOUSE OF GOD to whom is the Supreme Being, the Ultimate Sovereign Authority, to whom delegated to the "People" certain unalienable rights, to which allows them to move freely upon the land, governing over their own activities acting as "Individual Republics" to which act together as a Nation of People Under the House of God.

America was put together exactly the same way, as the People of South Dakota are just one 'Tribe of Americans" to whom they self govern themselves, but appoint, and elect their national leaders to which 'act' as the Nation of States" to which we call ourselves the United States of America.  Under the House of God - the American People have laid their Foundation, to which to reside by, work by, and congregate by.

America was put together by a variance of people, by means of creating territories, bound to treaties, charters, and the constitution. But little is known about the origins of these territories, and the agreements made by charter. But as we discover new truths, we find the proper pathway to what became the United States of America. Click Google Document Below:


image.png  The Making of America from 1763 to 1875


Jesus was sent by God to provide the word of God to the people by interacting with people, and speaking to them in their own language. In the beginning was the word.

That word was with God, who spoke only through the prophets, then who further spoke to the people. Sometimes these prophets became manipulative, leading the people to a life of misdeeds and sin.

To which God had to utilize his own powers to change the course of events to steer the people back to the right path. God then decides to work the ultimate miracle, provide to the people his true power, implant himself in a Virgin, to whom will bare a son, to whom will allow God to comingle on earth side by side with people as equals seeing for himself what is being done on earth, to better understand why people turn to a life of sin.

He speaks to the people using parables, stories to which the people can now relate to. Presenting to the people how to steer away from a life of sin, and to provide them with all good things that will come from their actions if they change their ways in the future. He further conducted miracles to help show the people how God manipulates nature, to present a narrative of how forgiving God can be if all the people do is ask him.

And lastly, God chose his Disciples, rather than prophets, this time, to go out and walk with the people, to help educate them, inform them, and help people understand the meaning of the Word of God.

The word was always with God. God merely came down to earth to provide that word to the people directly to be with his flock, thus walking with them to present meanings and examples of what the Word means.

I also believe God had to lock out the Jews from the City of David forever. Destroy the Jewish Temple, cause they began to worship it as a form of Idol Worship. So he allowed the Romans to build the Temple of Jupiter on the spot.

While giving to the Ishmaelites, Edomites, the Arabs the Land today, planting their seed in Canaan, building the Dome on the higher portion of Zion.

He sent the Tribes out across Europe. Africa, and Asia providing them a new Beginning. In the end. They will establish New Zion in a foreign land.


We Patriots are creating an excellent plan to Restore the Republic of Free States, where the People control the United States Government. “WE” are the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, many of us are all have common ancestors to the 12 Germanic Tribes that once called the Country of Pomerania home – a country so massive, that today, includes parts of, or all of Mecklenburg (Germany), Denmark, Austria, Hungary, Poland, the Baltic States, Sweden, Norway, all with strong connections to Germany itself..

We are a culture of people born of Pommerian Farmers of who came to the United States between 1830 and 1920 settling in Dakota Territory, while under our temporary government, formed Counties, to which under them, we formed Homesteads, Farm-steads, townships, and other colonies of people, whereas our religious protestant faith, led to forming the ideal core values of the Republican Party (1848), whereas by 1889, the States of South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana were formed..

If you track America’s Ancestry, you will find that much of the Northern States stretching from Wisconsin in the east, to as far as Oregon and Washington in the far west all share this common ancestry and you will discover the main reasons why these “States” seemingly will unite together, establishing a coalition, a “Confederacy of Member-States” with the one goal of Restoring the Republic to Save America.

You owe your allegiance to a Group of People called the Ulster Scots – who rose up during the Revolutionary War, proclaiming their Sovereignty, standing up against the King of England, whereas they further, stood up again during the War of 1812, and it was one of them, Francis Key, who written the words to the Star Spangled Banner, becoming our “National Anthem” in the early 1930’s.

We declare ourselves Sovereign, taking no Allegiance to NO KING or QUEEN, let alone Form of Government, “WE” are “States of People” to which stand united – Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

We will reconnect under a Political Action Committee under the name “We the People to Save the Republic Political Action Committee”


  • It starts with organizing under the Counties by holding Precinct Committees.
  • It then goes to a convention where we can choose, and pick our At Large Representatives – Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Auditor, Treasurer, Land Commissioner, U.S Senator, and “our” Elector for the President and Vice President.
  • Draw up a Resolution to Hold a “Special Election” unless the next General Election is within 30 days of choosing those Persons. Since this is 2024, “WE” will utilize the General Election to place our “Choices” on the Ballot come November 2024.
  • By S.D Law, those At-Large Reps take office in January of 2025, whereas, “Our” Elector for President goes to the Convention to cast his “Ballot” one for President, and one for VIce President in December 2024, of which we shall place our “guy” on those ballots.
  • By means of the Precinct Strategy, “WE” will put our people in “Official Offices” of which govern over the “state government” and of which our “Rightful Choice for President” will govern over the Federal Government in our “Image”.


The Restored Republic interim government is the lawful mechanism for the American People to join together to occupy the vacated seats of our de jure government. The specific guidelines of the Restored Republic interim government allow for growth and education followed by a period of transition back to Constitutional Governance. This will entail reseating each de jure State utilizing the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.
Unlawful elections were held in several States which infringe upon the rights of Citizens of other states. Irreconcilable harm has been caused to the American People by the unlawful acts of the States in question. Congress has failed to act to resolve this harm. The American People have lost confidence in the current government’s ability to govern lawfully and peacefully. It’s past time to Implement the Northwest Ordinance to RESET America.

Our immediate goal is for a majority of states to have 30,000 people signed up to support their Restored Republic. Then lawful elections will be held to fill the vacancies left behind by the Corporation.  Our goal: To rebuild our Republic in the image that our Founding Fathers first established.

Every American must comprehend that the pathway back to restoration of America is their involvement and support of their Republic interim government.  According to the Northwest Ordinance every state must have 30,000 people represented by each state Republic.  Your first step to supporting your Republic is to sign up for our free email list.  That one act indicates that you accept the Republic as your lawful government.
Please Take the time to Read the Executive Summary by Clicking on the Link Below:


Precinct Committeemen and Women are elected for two year terms and represent the precincts at Statewide, and Countywide conventions, while serving in a role to reach out to the residents in each precinct in order to help register voters, let alone meet with legislators to lobby and help canvass the state in support of legislation and candidates. 
  • Attend  Central Committee meetings.
  • Become a voter registrar and recruit new voters.
  • Circulate petitions for candidates prior to the primary.
  • Canvass your precinct in support of our candidates.
  • Promote strong election ethics.
  • Recruit poll for election day and early voting.
  • Educate, Inform, work with the voters connecting them to representatives.
  • Be an advocate for the interests of the voters in your precinct.
  • Discuss, Adopt Resolutions, Initiatives, and Choose At-Large Representatives
Precinct Committee Persons main job is to help educate, inform, and organize the voters within the precinct, with the intent to nominate legislative candidates, and to represent their political party to help push forward party agenda across the State.
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Make Sure You're Registered to Vote in Preparation for the Next Federal, State, and Local Elections!

This Page is designed to help you become a registered voter, to educate, and to inform you of all upcoming voting information across the state, as well as keeping you informed on what is going on within Precinct 05-22. Voting is an expression of ourselves, our community, to each other, and to our country, and the more informed you are as a voter, the better we will govern ourselves.
Do you reside in Precinct 05-22 -  Are you Registered to Vote?
If not, you have until 10 days prior to any South Dakota General, Mid-Term, Primary, County, City, or School Election to Register.  As per South Dakota codified law, Primary Elections are every June of every even numbered year, while the General Election is always held in November of every even numbered year, while both are always the first Tuesday, after the first Monday of those codified months. The City of Sioux Falls always holds its citywide elections in April of each even numbered year 
Do you wish to request an Absentee Ballot?
All American Citizens of the State of South Dakota, who are registered to vote in the state, have the right to vote by Absentee Ballot. You may request an absentee ballot up to one day prior to any South Dakota federal, state, or local election, whereas you must submit that ballot to the County Auditor no later than election day, and no later than 7:00 PM. If you are mailing the absentee ballot to the County Auditor, you must utilize the U.S Postal Service, sending it Certified or Registered Mail, date stamped no later than three (3) days prior the election date. 
For All Sioux Falls Residents of which reside within Precinct 05-22 - You may reach out and contact your Precinct Committeeman at any time. 
Precinct: 05-18
Legislative District: 15
Municipality: City of Sioux Falls
School District: Sioux Falls South Dakota 49-5
Precinct Committeeman
Mike Zitterich (2024 - 2026)
417 N. Prairie Ave, Sioux Falls-SD 57104
(605) 376-0527
Precinct Election Poll Center
Faith Family Church
127 N. Spring Ave, Sioux Falls-SD 57104

Minnehaha County Republicans


Who we are

The Minnehaha County Republicans are an active network of conservative-first grassroots individuals committed to our God-given freedoms as outlined by our forefathers and their commitment to Christian values and their trust in Him.
The Minnehaha County Republicans unwaveringly support the United States Constitution, the South Dakota State Constitution and the South Dakota Republican platform.  
We strive to actively support platform upholding candidates, through educating and activating “we the people”. We work to foster community by building awareness through our locally held educational and GOP events & outreach.
We actively work at and maintain a strong political presence within Minnehaha County and throughout the state of South Dakota, diligently working to thwart the efforts of those that would see our God-given rights stripped away.

Contact Mike Zitterich if you wish to add a local story, or share a public event on this site today @ (605) 376-0527 or
No photo description available.
South Dakota America First Supported Platform