Interesting Story of America, may provide the answers as to why the Established Order is so upset with Donald Trump and the Patriots..it goes back all the way to the beginning...
Below is a Story based on years of research, and understanding of the founding of the United States of America:
It goes back to the original "treaty" - the Virginia Treaty (1677) which set up trade contracts, and how to move about the land and maintained the Crown as the benefitter. All ties to the English Crown were to be kept from this date forward. Then the 1763 treaty allowed territories to change, but the English Crown maintained authority over the land in regards to commercial ties.
The English Crown again, maintained its authority over the land, in all commercial aspects, as evidenced by the 1783 treaty, after the American Colonists had Declared their Sovereign Right to Govern themselves, as long as they paid Great Britain, the Monarch, and their Financial Masters royalties, restitutions for using the land itself.
The colonists would form State Constitutions transferring their rights from the crown charters to "Tribal People" (states), leading to the adoption of the Articles of Confederation to form their "Governmental Structure" which continues their ties to the Crown, compacting themselves to taking over all debts, liabilities, and expenses held by the Monarch, Holy Roman Empire, the British Subjects.
If you read your State Constitutions, these compacts are codified in the document. The "States" were not free, they had the liberty to act as sovereign entities so long as they followed the terms set forth in 1783, of which upholds the agreements of 1677 and 1763. Notice that many State Governors since 1777 are all Attorneys, (most), there are exceptions over time, but those governors who were not attorneys, did not last long.
The crown maintained its control. By 1788, the Crown convinced us to hold a convention, asking legislators to choose delegates to discuss creating a corporate charter (constitution), to create a permanent central govt bound to the crown. "We the People" does it mean you and me? it refers to those "People '' attending the convention and the legislators thereof.
Think what a "state" is - the revival of Roman law in 14th-century Europe, the term came to refer to the legal standing of persons (such as the various "estates of the realm" – noble, common, and clerical), and in particular the special status of the king. The highest estates, generally those with the most wealth and social rank, were those that held power. Those "persons" that bind themselves to the state. A state is a political entity that regulates society and the population within a territory. Government is considered to form the fundamental apparatus of contemporary states.
Members of the "State" (status persons) include the governor, Lt. Governor, Treasurer, Auditor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Public Lands and School Commissioner, Public Utilities Commissioner, State Legislators, Supreme Court Justices, Circuit Court Judges, County Commissions, Sheriffs, Auditors, Treasurers, District Attorney, Public Defender, Coroner, Township Boards, Clerks, Secretaries, Constables, County and Precinct Committeemen and Women, and finally the "Qualified Voters". These are all "Legal Status Persons" of a "State"
More evidence is the 1788 Ordinance (first adopted in 1777) as a Planning and Zoning Ordinance to define territories, form a government structure, reserve public lands for Official Public Institutions, reserve lands related to Estates, Homesteads, Farmsteads, etc. As part of this 'land covenant', a State is formed, and established, all prior engagements agreed to, and a Constitution adopted of and by this 'elite' group of persons.
Read the South Dakota Constitution, Article 22 is the "Compact" and Article 26 is the means of how we define, create, establish, and form our "Government Structure". All were bound to the original treaties - Virginia Treaty 1677, Treaty of Paris 1763, and Treaty of Paris 1783. We never broke away from the Crown Government, it simply allowed us the "Liberty" of residing on the land, to live and work, and to prosper from the land, so long as we agreed to give back to Great Britain, the Monarch, the Holy Roman Empire a percentage of those profits, restitution for using the land, and to pay off all prior debts, liabilities, expenses held by the 'crown'. We are not free, we only have the liberty to reside on the land as per the treaties made.
What binds you to the "State" as a legal status person" - the day you become a Qualified Voter of the State, taking an oath to, a vow, and finally, subjecting yourself to all statutes, codes, and rules.
It does not matter what state you live in, if you are a Qualified Voter of South Dakota, you are only bound to this State. If we discover you broke that vow, you can be held accountable to those broken oaths such as voting in more than one state...
Now that we know the fight we are up against, and the battle brewing between the "Established Class of People" versus the America First Patriots, we may be able to discover a solution to resolving those political differences. We also best know why this "established class of people" are so upset with Donald Trump, he and the Patriots have upset the ruling established structure of our society.
Above, I defined what a "State" is, and there were a set of words that we must highlight here, Estates of the Realm - defining these words may unlock the key to resolving our differences and repairing America to what 'we' so choose it to be in the future.
America was built by upholding and maintaining the Estates once held by British Subjects, the Monarch, and ruled by the Holy Roman Emperors. The Realm is a country ruled by a King or Queen, an Estate is a large area of land in the country that is owned by a family or an organization and is often used for growing crops or raising animals.
Folks, this "large area of land" was once known as Virginia, land held in the controls of the Virginia Land Company, we are discussing the Northeast and Northwest Territory which today became the United States of America, and by terms agreed to by the 1783 Treaty, the British Monarchy has maintained complete control of the land area, to which is governed by British Bankers, Lawyers, and Subjects.
So now, we know the definition of the Estates of the Realm:
The estates of the realm, or three estates, were the broad orders of social hierarchy used in Christendom (Christian Europe) from the Middle Ages to early modern Europe. Different systems for dividing society members into estates developed and evolved over time.
- The First Estate comprised the entire clergy and the religious orders, traditionally divided into "higher" and "lower" clergy. Although there was no formally recognized demarcation between the two categories, the upper clergy were, effectively, clerical nobility, from Second Estate families. In the time of Louis XVI, every bishop in France was a nobleman, a situation that had not existed before the 18th century;
- The Second Estate (deuxième état) was the British nobility and (technically, though not in common use) royalty, other than the monarch himself, who stood outside of the system of estates;
- The Third Estate (Tiers état) comprised all of those who were not members of either of the above and can be divided into two groups, urban and rural, together making up over 98% of the British population;
- The Estates General (not to be confused with a "class of citizen") was a general citizens' assembly that was first called at the request of the King until 1614; after that, it was not called again for over 170 years, 1783;
Once the United States of America was formed between 1763 to 1793, as per the treaty, the agreement placed America on a 70 Year Financial Obligation that would come due shortly before the so-called Civil War occurred, to Abraham Lincoln saw this event fast approaching and tried to keep order, to which the following steps were taken:
- Defined Southern Congressman between 1859 and 1863 as Insurrectionists. Removed them from office, arresting them, etc.
- Adopted General Order 100 that created a Federal Milarized Territory incorporating ALL Federal Property in the States.
- Adopted the Emancipation Act, freeing Black Slaves, and Prisoners of War, bonding them to Lincoln's Iron Clad Oath to Defend and Support the Federal Government.
- The City of London (Bank) gained control of the "District of Columbia" Loaning it huge sums of money to control them, use them, and create this new territory.
- The Attorneys contracted themselves to the British B.A.R Association, bound to British Law.
- Amendments 13, 14, and 15 all adopted.
- ACT OF 1871 adopted creating an ORGANIC ACT to Create the District of Columbia Incorporation Act - creating a United States Land Company, giving it a Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, and Judicial System.
- They were creating the NEW Federal States in this Territory, which mirrored the "Federal Militarized Territory.
- They granted Immunities, Civil Rights, and U.S Citizenship Status to Black Slaves, Prisoners of War, and All Americans who Bonded themselves to the Territory.
- As each "State" Federal District '' now gets 30,000 U.S Citizens, they became new states, giving to them 2 Senators, and 1 Representative.
- This allowed Congress to Retreat the Senate and House filling the "Vacated Seats" all bound to their new oath.
- They then passed the 1872 Amnesty Act, to Grant Amnesty to all "Ex-Insurrectionists" as long as they became U.S Citizens, and promised to Obey the New Rules. Remember - President Johnson had already 'pardoned' many of them prior.
- In 1874, they adopted the D.C. Municipality Act, creating a Permanent D.C Government - Mayor, 9 Member Council, Committees, Commissions, Police, Jail System, Ordinances for the Territory - United States Land Company.
- The UNITED STATES LAND COMPANY uses "Bank Loans" to buy out all Assets and charters of the Virginia Land Company aka the South.
- Virginia splits in two, forming West Virginia.
- By 1880, the UNITED STATES was now enslaved under an Administered, Federal, Militarized "State" called the United States Land Company, new departments, offices, and agencies would be created between 1890 to 1990.
- 100 Years later (1972), Nixon pardoned Jefferson Davis freeing his family to become naturalized into the new "Federal States.'
- 100 years later (1977), Carter pardoned General Robert Lee, freeing his family to become naturalized into the Federal States. In 1893 - the Fed Govt contracted and formed a partnership with the Rothchilds, Morgan-Belmont Syndicate, a group of private bankers who had agreed to all the U.S Treasury Bonds, allowing the Federal Government to restock the treasury, with bank notes. The members of this syndicate became known by the contract as the following - Drexel, Morgan Co, the J.S Morgan Co, and N.M Rothschilds and Sons. The Federal Reserve was created 10 years later.
The period of 1860 to 1880 was a Coup led by British Bankers, Foreign Born Persons, and Attorneys, to hijack the Government, create a Provisional Govt (1871), and form their permanent Govt (1874), contract to the Bank itself (1913). Amendments 13, 14, 16, 17 changed the Constitution forever. We are governed by the 1868 Version of the Constitution today.
The United States Land Company (1871) today, operates as a sovereign entity, a municipal corporate government, bound to the City of London, a Bank, the Holy Roman Empire, a Church, allowing for all Global Bankers, Financial Capitalists, Attorneys to the process of adopting federal commercialized statutes, codes, regulations, a list of mandates to controlling the land under its controls.
In order to maintain their control, the Established Order holding authority over the United States Corporation, that land company, hands out a set of Tax Subsidies, Grants, Benefits, Loans, Allowances, and Credits to keep them silent, and busy today.
- 1870-1890 • Congress began "collecting data" on all Americans private and commercial through the process of "Collectivism" by means of banking acts, the settlement acts, and other acts that attempted to convince Americans to give up their sovereign property rights through the means of license, certificates, and commercial contracts.
- 1890-1920 • Congress began the process of Corporatism whereas America began to encourage businesses to incorporate and attach themselves to the U.S. corporate Government (est. 1871), creating a period in time where Americans were contracting themselves ever more tightly to the federal government, thus doing business within the federal territory.
- 1920-1950 • Congress dives into Fascism, creating policies that heavily regulate those corporations, with the intent to control foreign commerce across the 50 States who do business within that Federal Territory - hence Multi Nationalism became the hallmark tradition of today, (Small Businesses began to de-platform).
- 1950-1980 • Congress begins to dive into Socialism, starting to engage with Americans, by creating policies expanding upon Social Security by means of Disability, Survivorship, and Insurance Benefits, creating Medicare, Medicaid, and Other Social Platforms we have grown to expect of today., including the Affordable Care Act, let alone other forms of benefits.
- 1980-2010 • by 1990, Congress began to really work to align federal policies with more Global Policies, beginning to ship away, and sell American tangible property rights off to foreign countries, businesses, and persons with the goal of becoming more of a beneficiary of foreign labor, let alone seeking out, and gaining more foreign investments to fund federal roads, infrastructure, etc.
Our Plan to Restore the Republic, of Free, Independent, and Sovereign States must be done in a peaceful, respectful, and timely manner, in such a way, that we work with the "established order" to amend, or cancel all prior treaties that had put in place the American, Administered State over a number of years...this is not gonna be easy, this is a cultural revolution, that is worth the fight.
- It starts with organizing under the Counties by holding Precinct Committees;
- It then goes to a convention where we can choose, and pick our At Large Representatives – Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Auditor, Treasurer, Land Commissioner, U.S Senator, and “our” Elector for the President and Vice President;
- Draw up a Resolution to Hold a “Special Election” unless the next General Election is within 30 days of choosing those Persons;
- By means of the Precinct Strategy, “WE” will put our people in “Official Offices” which govern over the “state government” and of which our “Rightful Choice for President” will govern over the Federal Government in our “Image”.